Choose Recovery Alcohol Advice & Support Center

Welcome. Advice

Is drinking costing you more than just money?

If the answer to this question is yes... then you may find this site helpful.

This Alcohol Advice and Support Center has been created by men and women who have all experienced a problem with alcohol. Each one of us knows what it is like to feel that our drinking has somehow become out of control and a problem to us - and so often to those around us.

A drink problem can affect us at any time of our lives, when we are young, middle aged or when we are older. Our experience shows us that people from all walks of life can be affected by a problematic relationship with alcohol.

Some of us have had less severe problems with drink - however at the other end of the scale, we have experienced the loss of our families and loved ones, severe illness and even psychiatric problems and imprisonment.

The point is - that we share, a profound level of understanding of how it feels to have a drink problem... and have found this understanding to be of immense help to us when overcoming our problem, connecting with people who know how we feel and what it is like.

We have shared in the pages of this website our understanding of the troubled relationship we have experienced with alcohol and hope that you find the following pages of use.

Feeling isolated or desperate... and confused at why willpower won't solve your drink problem?

Learn More ...

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